Red Dot will offer a new design for the
R-6100 rooftop air conditioner this year.
Our engineers set out to create a sleek, lowprofile
housing that would look right at home on
today’s truck and heavy-equipment cabs. In the
process of developing this unit, early tests show
a 28% weight reduction and 30% performance
increase compared to the existing design.The injection-molded housing has pockets to hold
the receiver-drier, blower assembly, and evaporator
core, so they’re simpler to replace. A 12-inch Spal fan,
dual-scroll/dual-inlet Spal blower, rifled-tube evaporator,
and a parallel-flow condenser contribute to the
improved performance.
Cooling – 21,300 BTU
Air Flow 299 CFM
Weight 40 lbs
Current Draw 12.9 amps
Controls Three speed